Friday 29 January 2010

Fig Taylor - AOI visit

Fig Taylor, portfolio consultant from the Association of Illustrators (AOI) vistited and spoke today

During the afternoon she held one-on-one sessions, and was able to look through a loose portfolio of some of my previous projects
She noted that my work displayed a very strong self-evident interset in typography
unnderpinned by strong design skills

And for proffesional development that one are i should look into would be the field of in-house design for for literaty fiction, noting the work of illustrator Jon Gray of Gray318.
In part this jibes and confirms my earlier thoughts about my interest in type and design as opposed to illustrative methodolgy.
This is also similar to the last feedback tutorial from Peter Lloyd and Ceri Amphlet and the end of the previous project.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Lecture - Sequential Narrative

Professional Context Lecture - Sequential Narrative
Stephanie Black
(PHD student from UWE Bristol)

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Self Promotion briefing / Portfolio seminar

Launch of side projects

1) Identity project for graduate show
2) memorable self promotional material
3) Group Publication
4) introduction to organising personal Portfolio
I have decided that my approach will be that this blog...

will be the pro-forma of the presentation document, in addition I could hand in any supportive work as a bound collection (ie lecture/seminar notes and handouts from throughout the project.

Monday 25 January 2010

What are my working methods?

In discussion with Alexandra during the workshop, she asked me to produce an illustration/idea spontaneously - i said that i don't work in that way, and she responded that this was the answer to the question, that lack of spontaneity and immediacy in my work is part of my methodology

I enjoy an incubation period to allow thoughts and ideas to articulate and develop - hopefully resulting in considered solutions, that there is a point and reason for all the final elements.

Presentation Document Workshop

500 x 185) (1024 x 378)
Presentation Document launch and workshop took place on the afternoon of the 25th of Jan with Alexandra Antonopoulou

In basic terms, the purpose of the presentation document is a structured way to record my own thoughts, process and performance throughout the project. Initially, and to kickstart the document will be used to establish what styles, sensibilities , influences and interests i have. In addition it will

- asses my tasks and methods
- Interpret and decode my own process
- explore and outline the role of making
- Question and find links
- elaborate and amend my brief
- Determine a personal connection with the project... does the work represent who i am? A continuing personal statement.

The immediate results of brainstorming are my interests in design, typopgraphy, type as image, material, photographic based work, strong realtionship of form and content.

Final Major Project launch

Open proposal, self written Statement of Intent.
Options could include Adult Narrative, Editorial, Reportage, Sequential Narrative, Competitions and Cross Overs (any kind of groupings of the above).

Think about:
1) What am i going to propose for my final major project?
2) Why am i interested in this?
3) How does the project relate to me personally?