Thursday 10 June 2010

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Sunday 6 June 2010

BA (Hons) Illustration 2010


Here i managed to get the still unseen group photo from last month off of Rosy Maguire and all the outtakes. The above image is after the 'jump' she made us do during the shoot.

More and full resolution here -


Thursday 13 May 2010

final entry


as a final entry for my presentation document, today i received my moo cards
sadly i'm not completely happy with them - the printing resolution and paper/cardstock were excellent but, in particular with my monochrome images they are washed out - in fact there is no real black at all.

I'm going to consult with people online and then see if i should go through there returns process.


Wednesday 12 May 2010

catalogue cover ctd


frustrating day, i finalized (although did not hugely alter the composition) stuck down, and eventually was able to come into the university and scan it in digital photography suite, jm035 on epson scanners
here is the final stitched scan, and the intended crop for the catalogue cover.

Copy of joinerIMG_001
catalogue joinerIMG_002


Tuesday 11 May 2010



This morning i picked up the 4x6 prints from Boots
Long day, i attempted to complete the
loosely onto A1 cartridge paper in the studio JM033

many rejected joiners (see photos), with many alternate routes that could be taken

eventually one section which included 'BA (Hons) Illustration' stood out and that was selected as the central part
in the afternoon, i met with Peter and Ceri
we decided to reject the idea of having the text running across the entire wrap, so 'BA (Hons) Illustration 2010' is now completely on the cover, but the line can be followed to around the back
the images of the hands from the first shoot in the park
in addition add other bits like the birds, sky pieces, tree trunk in the park and other suggestions of things to push the fragmented, cubist/futurist feel of the piece.


Monday 10 May 2010

Cyanotype Argyrotype workshop #2


Second Cyanotype and Agyrotype workshop
first year Christian, Laura Wells , Simon Abbott, Ben Evenett and Derek also attended this session

The weather wasn't great for sunprinting, throughout the day it grew worse and more overcast. Againg some good stuff came from the brown agyrotype process throughout the day , however as last time the cyanotypes got gradually worse and washed out further through the day.

we tried many different things including mixing up a fresh batch of sensitizer, allowing the e coated paper to dry naturally, using a hairdryer, exposing for extended periods of time (40 mins in the windowsill), but the cyanotypes were still very washed out.

may10thUntitled-1 copy

later in the afternoon Rosy organised the use of the UV exposure unit in the printmaking studio (jm008) to cook the coated paper. A great advantage of using the unit is the control given - a timer that counts in the amount of light also we were able to still use contact printers , simply laying them under the hood. However because it is face down we cannot see judge visual changes and a reduced ability to use objects.
The acetates for the agyrotypes worked very well - particularly the Viva metal type image pictured.

its obvious that the cyanotypes only work in actual yellow sunlight on a clear day - this was a shame as the were several images , particularly shop signage photos that i had intended to print were unable to be printed.

Sunday 9 May 2010



was able to finish photographing the Viva metal type logo identical process as

using my Canon Ef-s 60mm macro lens and a led studio light ton my desktop , i am intending to take this to the cyanotype/agyrotype workshop on monday
using my spartan 18pt type i completed a editorial image about deep structures ands tracts of language

howver most of the day was spent sorting and selecting the photos of the two clothesline photoshoots
as it is hard to tell what will and won't work i only got the images down to around 750
due to the large volume to print, they needed to go into the commercial photo developers (Boots) for 24hours instead of 1hr due to cost and since tomorrow Rosy Maguire is conducting a second cyanotpye and agyrotype workshop, they are not needed immediately


Saturday 8 May 2010

saturday shoot

may8thUntitled-1 copy

after the disspointing results on thurs, i chose to repeat the
photoshoot in the rain which ended up taking from 10:30 to 4:00

pouring rain (some streaks are captured in the images) made it particularly hard as the letters, being made of newsprint began to disintegrate and fly off when caught in the wind - some letters in particular the '2010' numerals became almost illegible and were a particular strain to deal with.

very complicated to righaving 5-6 people allowed me to coordinate th e individual heights as i was unable to do this therefore i had to create almost a web for the 3 lines on the actual washing line in my back garden.

this set was somewhat more successful in having the whole set up in one photograph, yet the stronger photos were again the close crops,
it looks more likely that creating a 'joiner' will be the way forward.

Friday 7 May 2010

Christian Boltanski


tutorial with Derek in the sugarcube where i layed out as much work as much of could bring in so we could select what would be in my show

eventually we agreed to at least attempt to get a digital projector and project my work, appropriate solution with the photographic nature and play of light in my work.

and the have selected float mount photographic prints and the softer cyanotype and argyotype, showing off their rough edges
although we spent much of the time discussing various options for displaying identity at the available units in the Bargate centre


We both met with Pete and discussed the idea of creating a shadow projection using a builder's halogen worklight against one the tall walls particulalry in the style of Christian Boltanski whose work Pete had seen at an exhibtion at the Hayward gallery called 'Eyes, Lies and Illusions'

christian boltanski. skyggespill3

Thursday 6 May 2010

shoot day


Day to shoot the catalogue cover image
Jonny Hannah provided all the materials necessary - two type of clothesline - (i opted for the plastic covered wire) and a whole load of traditional wooded pegs.
Also the rubber stamp ¡VIVA! logo from bladerubber arrived i think this will be used for numerous applications including stamped in red ink on one of the opening pages of the catalogue.

i spent the moring attaching the lettering to the line
One of the nice ideas of this image is that it will be shot in East park which in not only in heart of southampton but the that the university overlooks

Dane Vertity, Hannah Yates, Debs Ford, Simon Abbott, and Mike Wilson ended up as my helpers

what was obvious immediately and troublingly was that the wide shot of the full line set up didnt work - there was too much detail visible inmthe background, i attempted to use wider apertures to get a shallow depth of field with little success. Eventually i switched to a telephoto lens and zoomed in on sections, this threw the background out of focus and created interesting bokeh patterns. My immediate response as i reviewed the images in camera while shooting was that i would have to re-work the catalogue cover as a photographic joiner in the style of David Hockney's work by getting many commercial printed 4x6 prints of sections of an image and montage them together back into a whole.

Illustration course 2010 group photo was taken in the park as well by Rosy - this will appear in the show catalogue.

may6thUntitled-1 copy


Wednesday 5 May 2010

Figaro 24pt type


Figaro 24pt type arrived - it matches the 'Cheyenne' typeface i used for the Viva logo perfectly. I'm going to photograph serveral set ups like i did with my other metal type, hopefull in time for the on monday

may5Untitled-1 copy

Tuesday 4 May 2010

degree show requirements

Most of the day was taken up with working out my degree show requirements, howver i don't yet have a clear idea of what i want.


The most frustrating part was writing the 'Overview of project' statement, eventually i got the following down, with help from Pete;

'A series of editorial illustrations using text and typography as the primary element
the images have been created by playfully connecting the visual and the verbal. The visual potential of the words as images has been realized by considering the aesthetic and contextual connotations of the words as images.'

moo cards

ordered a set of postcards and stickers from

Untitled-gg copy

Monday 3 May 2010

Clothesline pegs

Continuing the clothesline/washing line motif, using the simple tecnhiwue of a photogcopy transfer, i printed the viva logo and 'illustration degree show 2010 onto some wooden pegs.
then photographed them outside in the sun and on the clothesline with the blue sky behind.
