Sunday 9 May 2010



was able to finish photographing the Viva metal type logo identical process as

using my Canon Ef-s 60mm macro lens and a led studio light ton my desktop , i am intending to take this to the cyanotype/agyrotype workshop on monday
using my spartan 18pt type i completed a editorial image about deep structures ands tracts of language

howver most of the day was spent sorting and selecting the photos of the two clothesline photoshoots
as it is hard to tell what will and won't work i only got the images down to around 750
due to the large volume to print, they needed to go into the commercial photo developers (Boots) for 24hours instead of 1hr due to cost and since tomorrow Rosy Maguire is conducting a second cyanotpye and agyrotype workshop, they are not needed immediately


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