Monday 10 May 2010

Cyanotype Argyrotype workshop #2


Second Cyanotype and Agyrotype workshop
first year Christian, Laura Wells , Simon Abbott, Ben Evenett and Derek also attended this session

The weather wasn't great for sunprinting, throughout the day it grew worse and more overcast. Againg some good stuff came from the brown agyrotype process throughout the day , however as last time the cyanotypes got gradually worse and washed out further through the day.

we tried many different things including mixing up a fresh batch of sensitizer, allowing the e coated paper to dry naturally, using a hairdryer, exposing for extended periods of time (40 mins in the windowsill), but the cyanotypes were still very washed out.

may10thUntitled-1 copy

later in the afternoon Rosy organised the use of the UV exposure unit in the printmaking studio (jm008) to cook the coated paper. A great advantage of using the unit is the control given - a timer that counts in the amount of light also we were able to still use contact printers , simply laying them under the hood. However because it is face down we cannot see judge visual changes and a reduced ability to use objects.
The acetates for the agyrotypes worked very well - particularly the Viva metal type image pictured.

its obvious that the cyanotypes only work in actual yellow sunlight on a clear day - this was a shame as the were several images , particularly shop signage photos that i had intended to print were unable to be printed.

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