Thursday 6 May 2010

shoot day


Day to shoot the catalogue cover image
Jonny Hannah provided all the materials necessary - two type of clothesline - (i opted for the plastic covered wire) and a whole load of traditional wooded pegs.
Also the rubber stamp ¡VIVA! logo from bladerubber arrived i think this will be used for numerous applications including stamped in red ink on one of the opening pages of the catalogue.

i spent the moring attaching the lettering to the line
One of the nice ideas of this image is that it will be shot in East park which in not only in heart of southampton but the that the university overlooks

Dane Vertity, Hannah Yates, Debs Ford, Simon Abbott, and Mike Wilson ended up as my helpers

what was obvious immediately and troublingly was that the wide shot of the full line set up didnt work - there was too much detail visible inmthe background, i attempted to use wider apertures to get a shallow depth of field with little success. Eventually i switched to a telephoto lens and zoomed in on sections, this threw the background out of focus and created interesting bokeh patterns. My immediate response as i reviewed the images in camera while shooting was that i would have to re-work the catalogue cover as a photographic joiner in the style of David Hockney's work by getting many commercial printed 4x6 prints of sections of an image and montage them together back into a whole.

Illustration course 2010 group photo was taken in the park as well by Rosy - this will appear in the show catalogue.

may6thUntitled-1 copy


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