Saturday 8 May 2010

saturday shoot

may8thUntitled-1 copy

after the disspointing results on thurs, i chose to repeat the
photoshoot in the rain which ended up taking from 10:30 to 4:00

pouring rain (some streaks are captured in the images) made it particularly hard as the letters, being made of newsprint began to disintegrate and fly off when caught in the wind - some letters in particular the '2010' numerals became almost illegible and were a particular strain to deal with.

very complicated to righaving 5-6 people allowed me to coordinate th e individual heights as i was unable to do this therefore i had to create almost a web for the 3 lines on the actual washing line in my back garden.

this set was somewhat more successful in having the whole set up in one photograph, yet the stronger photos were again the close crops,
it looks more likely that creating a 'joiner' will be the way forward.

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