Friday 12 February 2010

Paul Blow lecture

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Editorial illustrator Paul Blow, who works on a regular column for the Independant Magazine visited and lectured, he began the lecture by listing what he believes are the three key elements that need to be balanced , demonstrating the process by cascade juggling at the front of the lecture theatre

1) aesthetic - how the image looks, design, color, techniques

2) idea - process just as important as aesthetic

3) brief - the part that is outside of the control of the illustrator

He went on to detail his process and break down of his day, after the point of commision. Notable part; their are two schools of responding to a brief- one, analyze brief in the first two paragraphs, or read the whole thing, and research the whole thing to produce a piece. He favours the former.
He also spoke of fees, agents, pricing and copyright but continually returned to and re-emphasized the balance between idea and craft.

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