Wednesday 24 February 2010

Self promotional work Ctd line

Typeface used is TradeGothic LT CondEighteen, set in Bold - printed at 600pt so 2-3 letters could fit onto a a4 sheet. The a4 sheet was then placed on top of folded over newsprint, when the letters were cut out by hand using a scalpel the process allowed for multiple copies of each letter (which as it turned out was needed) with the minimum of labour.

The newsprint letters where the taken out to the washing line, due to weather (blowing wind, light showers, overcast), the letters would not hold in the correct position so they had to be sellotaped to the line, and the pegs used to weight the paper into the right shape.

The set up was then photographed using Canon EF 50mm 1.8 prime lens, EF-S 60mm macro and EF 75-300mm telephoto lenses - all using large apetures to enhance the bokeh over a period of an hour in the morning as the weather changed. Mainly shot in black and white, i also photographed though Hoya 25A red filters and a Cokin SFX infrared filter to alter and dramatise the contrast between the white letters, green foliage, and blue sky.

Full set is availble to view here

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